While in Ronan, Montana for the Chesapeake Bay Retriever Field Trial Specialty, Rocky had a photo shoot with Mark Atwater of Up Close Photo. Rocky loves performing for the camera. Check out these great shots Mark got.

While in Ronan, Montana for the Chesapeake Bay Retriever Field Trial Specialty, Rocky had a photo shoot with Mark Atwater of Up Close Photo. Rocky loves performing for the camera. Check out these great shots Mark got.
On June 23, 2024 at the Summer Solstice Cluster in Cambridge, Minnesota, Rocky received his first group placement thanks to Judge Robert L. Robinson. He and his handler, Dr. Cartrell Cooper were a delight to watch together in the ring.
Thanks to Judge Betsy A. Yates and Judge Sulie Greendale-Paveza for the Best of Breed recognitions at this show.
We get a lot of questions about what Rocky’s offspring look like and how they are doing. We’ve been very selective about who we’ve allowed to use Rocky as a stud, and we waited until after he was a Master Hunter and had all of the appropriate genetic and OFA clearances.
The first litter Rocky sired was bred by Craig Klein. We are fortunate that one of the puppy families has kept in touch with us. “Moose” was born January 3, 2024 and we are so excited to watch him grow up.
This video was taken on March 2, 2024 when Moose was just 8 weeks old. He went after that pigeon with so much drive for such a little guy, and he was determined to bring it back to Craig.
Moose has been doing great with his family, and they said he’s very intelligent and learning quickly. Here’s a short video of him practicing “place” and retrieving a bumper.
As future litters are born, we’ll post more about how Rocky’s offspring are doing. Until then, enjoy this last adorable picture of Moose.
Rocky and Mr. Cartrell Cooper spent the weekend in DesMoines and came home with a Best of Breed under Dr. Troy Clifford Dargin and a Select the day before under Ms. Shelley Miller. Rocky met Mr. Cooper right before they left for DesMoines, but he took right to him.
As one of Rocky’s social media followers said “It says a lot about a dog that can be gun dog trained by someone, handled in hunt tests by someone else and win, handled by another person in shows and win and handled by another person in shows and win -in a short amount of time.”
Now it is time to head south for some warmer weather and field trial training. Rocky will be happy to see his friends the Springers who handled him to Master Hunter last summer and helped him and Curt prepare for their first field trial last fall.
Rocky was awarded First, Winner, and Best of Winners on January 17th by judge Debra Thornton. This gave him his third 5 point Major to finish off his Champion title.
According to ChessieBook.org, this will make Rocky the 176th Chesapeake Bay Retriever ever to earn both a AKC Champion and Master Hunter title.
Huge thanks to Rocky’s handler Howard Huber for finishing Rocky so quickly.