While in Ronan, Montana for the Chesapeake Bay Retriever Field Trial Specialty, Rocky had a photo shoot with Mark Atwater of Up Close Photo. Rocky loves performing for the camera. Check out these great shots Mark got.
field trial
Rocky’s first Field Trial
Rocky and Curt ran their first field trial, the Qualifying, at the Chesapeake Specialty in Stoughton, WI on September 19, 2023.
Tim Springer of Dynamic Retrievers worked with Curt and Rocky the past few weeks to help them learn the difference between hunt test and field trials.
We didn’t have big expectations and honestly would have been happy if Rocky brought back even one bird in the 1st series, but he brought back all 3 (even the one at 286 yards), and moved onto the 2nd series.
The 2nd series was a land blind and Rocky “lined it,” which was funny because at the beginning of the test the judge had said that none of the dogs would be “lining his blinds.” Curt only blew the whistle to call Rocky back as he stepped on the bird.
They went out in the 3rd series. Rocky ran too far off the line to get called back for the 4th series, but he still came back with the bird so in his mind, he did his job.
Minnesota Chesapeake Bay Retriever Field Day
The American Chesapeake Club hosted a field day at Fischer’s Kennels and Hunt Club in Albany, Minnesota in April, 2023. Rocky had just been back at training for a few weeks and had not yet run any type of hunt test.
The ACC field day is a fun time for Chesapeake Bay Retriever lovers in Minnesota to come together and practice mock hunt tests with their dogs. Rocky had a great time. This year, photographer Steven Oehlenschlager was on site and took some great photos of Rocky.
Photos copyright Steve Oehlenschlager.