about Rocky...
“Rocky” GCH Birch Bark Chiseled Rock MH – Rocky earned his MH at the Northern Flight Hunting Retrievers Association in Marine on St. Croix MN at the age of 27 months. He earned his AKC Championship title on January 17, 2024, and his Grand Champion title on February 1, 2024.
Rocky is a wonderful dog both at home and in the field. He lives with his family of four and one other Chesapeake Bay Retriever. He’s got excellent temperament and “house manners” and respects all of his humans. He’s gentle enough to be around children or the elderly, but he flips a switch and is all “on” when it’s time to hunt.
Rocky (5/13/21 GCH Chessieville Bay Maximum Caliber CGCA RI TKI x GCH Next Generations Chiseled in Stone) was bred by Joan Morris. Owners are Curt and Suzanne Holt.